C.B. Vaandrager
‘Poetry,’ I am in the middle of declaringto a bunch of unbelieving assholes
in walking-costume, ‘doesn’t drop from the sky.’
And hey, you know what, all of a sudden,
and you could call it poetizing, poetry
comes falling from the sky.
Luckily nobody else saw it.
‘Poëzie’, sta ik te bewerentegen een paar ongelovige klootzakken
in wandeltoilet, ‘komt niet uit de lucht vallen.’
En ineens zeg komt er, je zou het
poëtiseren kunnen noemen, poëzie
uit de lucht vallen.
Gelukkig dat niemand het zag verder.
From: Made in Rotterdam - Verzamelde Gedichten
Publisher: De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam
Publisher: De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam
Poems of C.B. Vaandrager
‘Poetry,’ I am in the middle of declaringto a bunch of unbelieving assholes
in walking-costume, ‘doesn’t drop from the sky.’
And hey, you know what, all of a sudden,
and you could call it poetizing, poetry
comes falling from the sky.
Luckily nobody else saw it.
From: Made in Rotterdam - Verzamelde Gedichten
‘Poetry,’ I am in the middle of declaringto a bunch of unbelieving assholes
in walking-costume, ‘doesn’t drop from the sky.’
And hey, you know what, all of a sudden,
and you could call it poetizing, poetry
comes falling from the sky.
Luckily nobody else saw it.

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère