Anne Vegter
A light-hearted lullaby this, not much happensthat doesn’t already happen somewhere else:
a garnet-red baby opens wide its tiny jungle mouth.
Familiar to all who read them, lullabies are
about kisses, blinds and parents/keepers.
Raging in the pillow, waking up like a statue made of ash.
A parent is a house. Gooey goo-goo. Food, milk,
la-di-la. A lullaby leaks with love.
Be joyous and light-heartedness. Filter light,
the air is of a invaluable purity.
Compared to wellbeing I daresay it’s cloud-cuckoo land.
Parents/moods/components of the growth machine:
baby's first, baby’s own, baby’s living it up. Joyous,
light-hearted bellowing in sun-drenched nursery. Done.
Hearts plead, hearts steam: Adonai –
give me back my stalemates, my singular days, my intact membranes.
© Translation: 2013, Astrid Alben
Losjes is dit babygedicht, er gebeurt niet veelwat ergens anders niet ook gebeurt:
een granaatrode baby spert zijn junglemondje.
Herkenbaar voor wie ze leest gaan babygedichten
over kussen, jaloezieën en ouders/blijvertjes.
Razen in het kussen, opstaan als een standbeeld van as.
Een ouder is een huis. Pjoe koeli koeli. Eten, natje,
lalala. Het babygedicht werkt de liefde open,
vrolijk zijn en losjes. Licht filteren,
de lucht is van onschatbare zuiverheid.
Zet er gesteldheid tegenover en het haalt je de koekoek.
Ouders/humeuren/onderdelen van de groeimachine –
baby's eerste, baby's eigen, baby's nemen het ervan.
Vrolijk, losjes uithalen in zomers kamertje. Gebeurd.
Harten pleiten, harten dampen: Adonai –
geef mijn impassen terug, mijn losse dagen,
mijn hele vliezen.
© 2011, Anne Vegter
From: Eiland berg gletsjer
Publisher: Querido, Amsterdam
From: Eiland berg gletsjer
Publisher: Querido, Amsterdam
Poems of Anne Vegter
A light-hearted lullaby this, not much happensthat doesn’t already happen somewhere else:
a garnet-red baby opens wide its tiny jungle mouth.
Familiar to all who read them, lullabies are
about kisses, blinds and parents/keepers.
Raging in the pillow, waking up like a statue made of ash.
A parent is a house. Gooey goo-goo. Food, milk,
la-di-la. A lullaby leaks with love.
Be joyous and light-heartedness. Filter light,
the air is of a invaluable purity.
Compared to wellbeing I daresay it’s cloud-cuckoo land.
Parents/moods/components of the growth machine:
baby's first, baby’s own, baby’s living it up. Joyous,
light-hearted bellowing in sun-drenched nursery. Done.
Hearts plead, hearts steam: Adonai –
give me back my stalemates, my singular days, my intact membranes.
© 2013, Astrid Alben
From: Eiland berg gletsjer
From: Eiland berg gletsjer
A light-hearted lullaby this, not much happensthat doesn’t already happen somewhere else:
a garnet-red baby opens wide its tiny jungle mouth.
Familiar to all who read them, lullabies are
about kisses, blinds and parents/keepers.
Raging in the pillow, waking up like a statue made of ash.
A parent is a house. Gooey goo-goo. Food, milk,
la-di-la. A lullaby leaks with love.
Be joyous and light-heartedness. Filter light,
the air is of a invaluable purity.
Compared to wellbeing I daresay it’s cloud-cuckoo land.
Parents/moods/components of the growth machine:
baby's first, baby’s own, baby’s living it up. Joyous,
light-hearted bellowing in sun-drenched nursery. Done.
Hearts plead, hearts steam: Adonai –
give me back my stalemates, my singular days, my intact membranes.
© 2013, Astrid Alben

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère