Anne Vegter
Today there was – during lunch break’s break – someone who wanted to knowhow I work, where I get my ideas from. Tch I said, problem with ideas is
that problems begin exactly where they got started, take this conversation here.
From underneath the leaves sounded a suppressed protest or call it cheerful,
but with hands clasped to the mouth. Splutter-laughing like a class of eleven year olds
trying (not) to imagine what Miss does on the loo and if you could possibly peep.
It could be I said, that something skims past (a magpie). By evening
I knew the correct answer as I flew from the window: shrill and pure.
© Translation: 2013, Astrid Alben
12.15 UUR TOT 13.00 UUR
12.15 UUR TOT 13.00 UUR
Er was op deze dag -tijdens de lunchpauzepauze- iemand die wilde weten hoe ik werk,waar mijn ideeën vandaan komen. Tja zei ik, het probleem van de idee is
dat de problemen precies daar beginnen waar ze vandaan komt, neem nu dit gesprek.
Vanonder uit de bladeren klonk een onderdrukt protest of noem het opgewekt,
maar met de handjes voor de mond. Proestlachend zoals een klasje van elfjarigen er even
Het kan zijn zei ik, dat iets toevallig langs scheert -een ekster-. ‘s Avonds
wist ik terwijl ik uit het raam vloog hoe het juiste antwoord klonk: schel en zuiver.
© 2007, Anne Vegter
From: Spamfighter
Publisher: Querido, Amsterdam
From: Spamfighter
Publisher: Querido, Amsterdam
Poems of Anne Vegter
Today there was – during lunch break’s break – someone who wanted to knowhow I work, where I get my ideas from. Tch I said, problem with ideas is
that problems begin exactly where they got started, take this conversation here.
From underneath the leaves sounded a suppressed protest or call it cheerful,
but with hands clasped to the mouth. Splutter-laughing like a class of eleven year olds
trying (not) to imagine what Miss does on the loo and if you could possibly peep.
It could be I said, that something skims past (a magpie). By evening
I knew the correct answer as I flew from the window: shrill and pure.
© 2013, Astrid Alben
From: Spamfighter
From: Spamfighter
Today there was – during lunch break’s break – someone who wanted to knowhow I work, where I get my ideas from. Tch I said, problem with ideas is
that problems begin exactly where they got started, take this conversation here.
From underneath the leaves sounded a suppressed protest or call it cheerful,
but with hands clasped to the mouth. Splutter-laughing like a class of eleven year olds
trying (not) to imagine what Miss does on the loo and if you could possibly peep.
It could be I said, that something skims past (a magpie). By evening
I knew the correct answer as I flew from the window: shrill and pure.
© 2013, Astrid Alben

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère