Jan Baeke
One thing holds, the other does not.Today two hours of yesterday’s repeats.
We have plenty of time, take note:
Back on form but too late
so you’re left out
also to the eye
that follows after.
Where would the team be without a ball
in the mist of Buitenveldert
the word ball left unspoken yet on people’s lips:
she shouldn’t have been standing there
they commented on how to get into the game.
No game but a fresh little dress
held in the air by eleven men.
Eleven men hanging beside their bodies.
This happens suddenly
some dodging and rushing after who’s playing it.
Eleven could be ten could be seven or
popped out for some beers for
what I can’t recall.
Not quite there yet
when a minute surrounds the men
and dries them off with silence
clenched hands that want nothing better
to get over the defeat
if this were to fail.
© Translation: 2008, Willem Groenewegen
Het één pakt, het andere niet.Vandaag twee uur herhaling van gisteren.
We hebben alle tijd, noteren:
De vorm is terug maar te laat
dus je staat er buiten
ook voor het oog
dat volgt daarna.
Waar blijft het elftal zonder bal
in de mist van Buitenveldert
en zonder het woord bal maar wel voor in de mond:
ze had daar niet moeten staan
werd becommentarieerd hoe in het spel te komen.
Geen spel maar een fris jurkje
door elf man in de lucht gehouden.
Elf man hangend naast hun lichaam.
Zoiets gebeurt ineens
een beetje dollen en jagen wie het speelt.
Elf kan tien worden kon zeven zijn of
even weg om bier te halen om
wat ik me niet meer herinner.
Zover is het nog niet
als een minuut de mannen omsingelt
en hen droogt met zwijgen
knijpen handen die niets liever willen
om over het verlies heen te komen
als dit mocht mislukken.
© 2004, Jan Baeke
From: Iedereen is er
Publisher: De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam
From: Iedereen is er
Publisher: De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam
Poems of Jan Baeke
One thing holds, the other does not.Today two hours of yesterday’s repeats.
We have plenty of time, take note:
Back on form but too late
so you’re left out
also to the eye
that follows after.
Where would the team be without a ball
in the mist of Buitenveldert
the word ball left unspoken yet on people’s lips:
she shouldn’t have been standing there
they commented on how to get into the game.
No game but a fresh little dress
held in the air by eleven men.
Eleven men hanging beside their bodies.
This happens suddenly
some dodging and rushing after who’s playing it.
Eleven could be ten could be seven or
popped out for some beers for
what I can’t recall.
Not quite there yet
when a minute surrounds the men
and dries them off with silence
clenched hands that want nothing better
to get over the defeat
if this were to fail.
© 2008, Willem Groenewegen
From: Iedereen is er
From: Iedereen is er
One thing holds, the other does not.Today two hours of yesterday’s repeats.
We have plenty of time, take note:
Back on form but too late
so you’re left out
also to the eye
that follows after.
Where would the team be without a ball
in the mist of Buitenveldert
the word ball left unspoken yet on people’s lips:
she shouldn’t have been standing there
they commented on how to get into the game.
No game but a fresh little dress
held in the air by eleven men.
Eleven men hanging beside their bodies.
This happens suddenly
some dodging and rushing after who’s playing it.
Eleven could be ten could be seven or
popped out for some beers for
what I can’t recall.
Not quite there yet
when a minute surrounds the men
and dries them off with silence
clenched hands that want nothing better
to get over the defeat
if this were to fail.
© 2008, Willem Groenewegen

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère