Jan Baeke
Not a sound. Not a single sound.Something in the mechanism had been moved
as a result of which the dog failed to bark.
Suddenly, visitors dropping by
intruded into the corners, stood everywhere, wasn’t that it?
The house has always been weak.
Among themselves, testing us
(every chair taken, dour light from the ceiling)
wild gestures climb up the walls.
Blood falls while shaking.
Do you see what’s happening? You’re doing well
to fit into the place in this way.
Truth, which I don’t assume
you sometimes need to keep quiet to understand
the unforeseen in nature.
This isn’t going anywhere
but look around you.
Everyone is here.
© Translation: 2005, Willem Groenewegen
From: Carapace: Dutch Edition, no.53
Publisher: Snail Press, Cape Town, 2005
From: Carapace: Dutch Edition, no.53
Publisher: Snail Press, Cape Town, 2005
Geen geluid. Geen enkel geluid.Er was iets in het mechaniek verschoven
waardoor de hond niet begon te blaffen.
Onverwachts binnenvallend bezoek
drong de hoeken in, stond overal, was het dat niet?
Het huis is altijd zwak geweest.
Onder elkaar, ons uitproberend
(alle stoelen bezet, stuurs licht uit het plafond)
klimmen wilde gebaren tegen de muur omhoog.
Bloed valt bij het schudden.
Zie je wat er gebeurt? Dat doe je goed
zo op deze plaats te passen.
Waarheid, waar ik niet van uitga
dat je soms moet zwijgen om het onvoorziene
van de natuur te begrijpen.
Lijn zit er niet in
maar kijk om je heen.
Iedereen is er.
© 2004, Jan Baeke
From: Iedereen is er
Publisher: De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam
From: Iedereen is er
Publisher: De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam
Poems of Jan Baeke
Not a sound. Not a single sound.Something in the mechanism had been moved
as a result of which the dog failed to bark.
Suddenly, visitors dropping by
intruded into the corners, stood everywhere, wasn’t that it?
The house has always been weak.
Among themselves, testing us
(every chair taken, dour light from the ceiling)
wild gestures climb up the walls.
Blood falls while shaking.
Do you see what’s happening? You’re doing well
to fit into the place in this way.
Truth, which I don’t assume
you sometimes need to keep quiet to understand
the unforeseen in nature.
This isn’t going anywhere
but look around you.
Everyone is here.
© 2005, Willem Groenewegen
From: Carapace: Dutch Edition, no.53
Publisher: 2005, Snail Press, Cape Town
From: Carapace: Dutch Edition, no.53
Publisher: 2005, Snail Press, Cape Town
Not a sound. Not a single sound.Something in the mechanism had been moved
as a result of which the dog failed to bark.
Suddenly, visitors dropping by
intruded into the corners, stood everywhere, wasn’t that it?
The house has always been weak.
Among themselves, testing us
(every chair taken, dour light from the ceiling)
wild gestures climb up the walls.
Blood falls while shaking.
Do you see what’s happening? You’re doing well
to fit into the place in this way.
Truth, which I don’t assume
you sometimes need to keep quiet to understand
the unforeseen in nature.
This isn’t going anywhere
but look around you.
Everyone is here.
© 2005, Willem Groenewegen
From: Carapace: Dutch Edition, no.53
Publisher: 2005, Snail Press, Cape Town
From: Carapace: Dutch Edition, no.53
Publisher: 2005, Snail Press, Cape Town

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère